SIGCOMM Elections
SIGCOMM will hold officer elections in early 2009 for Chair Vice-Chair, and Treasurer.
The current set of SIGCOMM officers took office July 1, 2007. Officers' terms are two years, and ACM bylaws provide for their terms to be extended for another two years if the officers agree and the SIG Governing Board Executive Committee confirms them. However ACM bylaws also state that an election must be held if 1% of the SIG members petition for one (SIGCOMM has just over 1800 members). The current officers have agreed to extend their terms, but a valid petition has been filed with ACM requesting an election. Hence we will hold elections in early 2009 for officers with terms beginning July 1, 2009.
ACM guidelines direct the Chair of the SIG to appoint a Nominations Chair, who appoints a committee to propose at least two candidates for each office by December 15. Self-nominations are also possible via a petition process by 1% of the SIG; these must be received by March 15.